Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Travelin' Man

I am very happy to report that all of my college travels are finished. I must say I was extremely impressed with several of the campuses, and not so impressed with others. This last week I did a trip all the way through Louisiana and back. My first day was in Lafayette. Not so impressive. The school is nice, and actually has a student body of around 16,000. The showing though was horrible, I only talked to about 10 people.
The afternoon after that was finished, I headed to Baton Rouge. Super impressive. LSU is a wonderful school. One of the guys who was traveling from another camp graduated from LSU and he told me to make a trip around the Greek area of the campus that afternoon. The Greek area lies along a lake, and I happened to hit it around the time that everyone was around their houses. The showing went well too.
After that showing, I headed to New Orleans. I really wanted to party it up on the town, but I'm not much of a solo-partier. So I hit the Wendy's and chilled in the LaQuinta for the night. The next day was Tulane-Loyola N.O. summer job fair. The area of New Orleans that the colleges are in is awesome. Old Colonial style houses that were huge. The camp fair was great. It seems that the students here were a bit more ambitious than those at any other campus we went to.
The day after that job fair there was one at Southern Mississippi, but I didn't make it far that west. There was a monster of a bachelor party waiting for me back in Texas. I left New Orleans around 5, and didn't pull into my house here in Ingram until 3:45 in the morning. I was a tired, tired man.
My main point of all of this rambling is that I wish I had looked around more when I decided on a college. My first year I went to Texas A&M Corpus Christi. It was a great school, but the city wasn't my style. Being allergic to humidity (I break out with major pit-stains) I decided to transfer to Texas Tech. I can't say I regret going to Tech, but maybe during my senior year of High School I should have looked around more. Or after deciding to tranfer I should have looked at a few other schools. I probably could have gotten in about anywhere after my first year of college, I should have taken advantage of it!
The schools I was most impressed with during my travels were Oklahoma, Oklahoma State, LSU, and Tulane. I'd been to the University of Texas before, but I was still impressed by it. Oklahoma State was probably one of the best times. I'm afraid if I ever went to that school I would become a raging alcoholic. There was really nothing much to do in that town other than go to classes and hit one of the eight-million bars lining the streets! The campus was great though, beautiful buildings, and nice grounds. Their students were probably also the most outgoing of all.
I more than likely would have ended up going to Tech anyway, but it would have been nice to know what all was out there. So here's my message, always know all of the possibilities you have. Check things out, and then make your decision. Don't make the decision first. You'll feel much better about yourself afterwards.
I do wonder often though, if things would be the same had I gone to another school. I feel pretty lucky right now with the way things are going for me. I've got a full time job, I've got a fantastic girlfriend, and I'm well fed (0ver-fed would be more accurate). It weird to think that my life could be completely different know had I gone to another college. I imagine I would always be well fed, but as far as the job I have right now, and the girlfriend I don't know. I'm not wanting a different outcome to my life, I'm just curious about what might have been.


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