Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I haven't updated in ages! A friend of mine has started her own blog and it made me miss this a little! It has been more than a year and a half since the last time I updated on here, and sadly I don't have a lot to report.

I can thankfully say that my Dad is doing tons better! He's back to work, independence, and is just himself. It's a wonderful thing that these doctors, nurses and others do to keep us at it. I find it so funny that so many of us are stubborn about going in to the doctor, but they've got answers for just about everything that ails us. I'm as guilty as the next guy on that one.

I've actually been thinking lately that I need to go in just for a check up. I'm pulling the stubborn thing though, so I probably won't until it's a last option for me!

Seeing as how it is the first of the year, that means several things. For the most of us, it means resolutions. I made several; the obligatory lose weight one, plus keep in better touch with friends, and try not to be so anti-social! Perhaps the most important to me though is, let this be the year you get things "figured out"!

That's a pretty vague statement 'eh? Well read into it what you will. For me though, it means employment, more independence, stability, and perhaps romance. For the last one there, all the other 3 have to come together.

The employment part of it, I feel I've got a start on. I applied to be a substitute teacher in December, with the idea of starting as soon as classes started in January. Applying then was kind of a preemptive strike at the resolution. I've spent 4 days in the classroom since I became eligible. I had 8th grade English/Language Arts for 3 consecutive days, then 5th grade Social Studies for one day. I really dug the 8th grade class. It was nice to have them for 3 days in a row, and actually be able to actively engage them during the class. The 5th grade was kind of a spur of the moment fill in job, and all the kiddos did was busy work. That wasn't as enjoyable. I figure if I enjoy the teaching part of things, I'll work at getting my teaching certificate, and hopefully by August have my own class.

The independence and stability parts tie in together. I think with a reliable source of income, both of these will come fairly quickly. I wouldn't give up my current relationships for anything, but I sometimes feel like I've always got to worry about what those around me think before I do anything. I would like to be able to get out there and do things for myself without having to worry how so and so are going to be affected. The stability I desire covers many different areas. Mostly financial, but also emotional. I'm not saying I'm nuts, although I think we all are in our own ways. I'm just saying I'd like to be a little less emotional about certain things. Not boo hoo emotional, but caring so much about trivial things.

Romance, I won't say much about it. I get asked several times a week either why I'm not dating someone, or if I'm looking. I guess we're always looking, but I'm content how I am right now. The only reason for that though is because I don't have those other things figured out yet. It'll all come together, I'm very confident in that. I just hope I'm not trying to get those other things figured out and miss the boat on this one! Maybe we'll go more in depth another time!

Well I went from just a quick hello to a long blog. I hope this finds everyone doing well. I'm not even sure how many people still come and check this thing out. I guess it's more for me than anyone else though!

I'm gonna' update my links on the side too, so go check those out!