Expect the Unexpected
What a week! It's been filled with unexpected quirks, which I would call highs and lows. It started out somewhat tumultuous, things just sort of piled on to each other and stuck. After Family Weekend last weekend, we didn't get much of a day off, so it seemed like we had pretty much 2 straight weeks of work, which in the summer isn't a big deal, because we'll go 10 or 11 weeks non-stop then. These weekend groups though, are kind of like a warm up for that long stretch though. Anyway, when last Monday rolled around, we were just dotting the i's and crossing the t's of a great family weekend, and that day and the next seemed to fly by.
Tuesday night poker games always go pretty well. Last week was no exception. It was pretty exciting, and of course I lost all my money, but I seemed to got a little agitated in an instance when usually I just cast things off. It seems that even the best of friends can get under your skin sometimes. I'm sure I'll head back this Tuesday though, even though I lose, the fellowship is actually what I'm there for.
Wednesday morning is really when the proverbial caca hit the fan. In a matter of two hours I was hit with two cases of pretty bad news. One not directly affecting me, but the other might have a profound effect on the summer. The first of those still to my knowledge isn't taken care of, and the second wasn't really one of those things that can be taken care of. It's the kind of news that you hear and just have to take. We'll see how things turn out though. Everything is in capable hands, and things always seem to work out for the best. It's just the initial shock that got to me. That day pretty much was the bane of the week.
Things didn't get worse the rest of the week, but it made me think a lot. I think of myself as an extremely level headed person, and when people want my input on their problems I usually tell them straight up. It bothers me though when it's one of my best friends with a pretty large problem, and me, the level headed person can only think of physical means of solving that dilemma. I'd like to see what goes through some people's heads. I usually don't know exactly what's going through my own head, I can't imagine being one of these folks who never has a sane thought at all. Enough about that I guess.
So after the long week, was the last weekend I have until August when there isn't something going on. It seems like it's a barrage of weddings and camp until the 11th of August. I'm not complaining, this is what we're working towards, but it's nice now and then not to have things planned out. Just kind of fly by the seat of your pants and take things as they will come.
Going from having nothing planned, to such an exciting weekend was awesome. One of my friends invited me out to the YO ranch on Saturday for the exotics sale that they have every spring. It was a neat experience because I got to see a bunch of animals that I'd either never seen in person, or never seen up close. I didn't buy anything though, I had my eye on a pair of spotted donkeys, but really though, what the hell am I gonna' do with 2 spotted donkeys. I wasn't seriously considering them, that was pretty much all I could have afforded though.
The guy I went out there with has seen pretty much all there is in the exotic business, so it's interesting to sit next to him at a sale and listen to what he has to say. He knows quite a few of the people who were there buying, and told me that one of the buyers had likened the sale/trading of exotics to playing the stock market, only a bit more exciting. Which, if you think about it, makes perfect sense. It's more hands on than calling up your broker and buying this stock, or that stock. I imagine the gratification one feels after doubling your investment on one animal is hard to compare to anything else. Unless that is of course making millions of dollars overnight, like some of those lucky stock traders have done. Anyway, pretty exciting stuff.
After the auction was a dance/dinner. That was pretty much the highlight of the whole deal. Like I've said on here before, I won't go into my drunken weekend escapades because I don't want everyone to hear about them, but open bars make the night a bit more enjoyable. Saturday night was one of the most fun nights I've had in the last year. Getting to hang out with some people, and just not have a worry in the world is a fantastic event! The weddings/camp stuff that is coming up is going to be awesome, but it'll be hard to top this past weekend! PS, I'm still looking for a summer secretary if anyone is interested!
I actually had someone comment to me Saturday night that they ran across my blog. That's pretty cool. When I started this, I kind of just hoped that anyone that found it would be people I didn't know. It's all good I guess though, with the advent of myspace and facebook there really isn't much in the way keeping things to yourself anymore. Anyway, I felt like maybe I should start updating on here more often because after people check back 2 or 3 times and see the same old thing posted they'll lose interest.
That's where my problem arises though. There for a while I had absolutely nothing to talk about. I don't want to bore y'all when I've got a whole lot of nothing going on. Maybe it's good when I do that. Perhaps my personal anecdotes, or my antidotes to the little problems life throws my way, humor those of you who take the time to read what I've got to say.
Well I guess that's it for now. Warren G just came on my itunes, it's fan friggin' tastic. What ever happened to these guys who put out the old classics. Regulators, mount up, dang I'm dork. I'm sure you all have gathered that by now.
I'm out like a boxer after 10 rounds with Tyson...
Now for some really upsetting news, I missed Gray's tonight. Doesn't that fire you up? I dig that show..Have a good one...
Tuesday night poker games always go pretty well. Last week was no exception. It was pretty exciting, and of course I lost all my money, but I seemed to got a little agitated in an instance when usually I just cast things off. It seems that even the best of friends can get under your skin sometimes. I'm sure I'll head back this Tuesday though, even though I lose, the fellowship is actually what I'm there for.
Wednesday morning is really when the proverbial caca hit the fan. In a matter of two hours I was hit with two cases of pretty bad news. One not directly affecting me, but the other might have a profound effect on the summer. The first of those still to my knowledge isn't taken care of, and the second wasn't really one of those things that can be taken care of. It's the kind of news that you hear and just have to take. We'll see how things turn out though. Everything is in capable hands, and things always seem to work out for the best. It's just the initial shock that got to me. That day pretty much was the bane of the week.
Things didn't get worse the rest of the week, but it made me think a lot. I think of myself as an extremely level headed person, and when people want my input on their problems I usually tell them straight up. It bothers me though when it's one of my best friends with a pretty large problem, and me, the level headed person can only think of physical means of solving that dilemma. I'd like to see what goes through some people's heads. I usually don't know exactly what's going through my own head, I can't imagine being one of these folks who never has a sane thought at all. Enough about that I guess.
So after the long week, was the last weekend I have until August when there isn't something going on. It seems like it's a barrage of weddings and camp until the 11th of August. I'm not complaining, this is what we're working towards, but it's nice now and then not to have things planned out. Just kind of fly by the seat of your pants and take things as they will come.
Going from having nothing planned, to such an exciting weekend was awesome. One of my friends invited me out to the YO ranch on Saturday for the exotics sale that they have every spring. It was a neat experience because I got to see a bunch of animals that I'd either never seen in person, or never seen up close. I didn't buy anything though, I had my eye on a pair of spotted donkeys, but really though, what the hell am I gonna' do with 2 spotted donkeys. I wasn't seriously considering them, that was pretty much all I could have afforded though.
The guy I went out there with has seen pretty much all there is in the exotic business, so it's interesting to sit next to him at a sale and listen to what he has to say. He knows quite a few of the people who were there buying, and told me that one of the buyers had likened the sale/trading of exotics to playing the stock market, only a bit more exciting. Which, if you think about it, makes perfect sense. It's more hands on than calling up your broker and buying this stock, or that stock. I imagine the gratification one feels after doubling your investment on one animal is hard to compare to anything else. Unless that is of course making millions of dollars overnight, like some of those lucky stock traders have done. Anyway, pretty exciting stuff.
After the auction was a dance/dinner. That was pretty much the highlight of the whole deal. Like I've said on here before, I won't go into my drunken weekend escapades because I don't want everyone to hear about them, but open bars make the night a bit more enjoyable. Saturday night was one of the most fun nights I've had in the last year. Getting to hang out with some people, and just not have a worry in the world is a fantastic event! The weddings/camp stuff that is coming up is going to be awesome, but it'll be hard to top this past weekend! PS, I'm still looking for a summer secretary if anyone is interested!
I actually had someone comment to me Saturday night that they ran across my blog. That's pretty cool. When I started this, I kind of just hoped that anyone that found it would be people I didn't know. It's all good I guess though, with the advent of myspace and facebook there really isn't much in the way keeping things to yourself anymore. Anyway, I felt like maybe I should start updating on here more often because after people check back 2 or 3 times and see the same old thing posted they'll lose interest.
That's where my problem arises though. There for a while I had absolutely nothing to talk about. I don't want to bore y'all when I've got a whole lot of nothing going on. Maybe it's good when I do that. Perhaps my personal anecdotes, or my antidotes to the little problems life throws my way, humor those of you who take the time to read what I've got to say.
Well I guess that's it for now. Warren G just came on my itunes, it's fan friggin' tastic. What ever happened to these guys who put out the old classics. Regulators, mount up, dang I'm dork. I'm sure you all have gathered that by now.
I'm out like a boxer after 10 rounds with Tyson...
Now for some really upsetting news, I missed Gray's tonight. Doesn't that fire you up? I dig that show..Have a good one...