Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I know it seems as though I've really been down on myself lately, and in some ways I guess I have been. I come on here and write as often as I can because it's a good place for me just to get stuff off of my chest and out of my head. I think everyone should be afforded some venue where they can do it, most just don't take the time to put stuff down and out of their minds. I've been thinking a lot about things, and why I've always got that down in the dumps feeling. The best answer that I can come up with, is that I'm bored. It's funny that I come out and say that because it's kind of a running joke between a lot of us, we're always bored.

Well I can truly, all joking aside, say that I am bored out of my mind. There aren't enough things going on in my life to keep me close to entertained. I'm not the type of person who has to be entertained 24/7 so don't think that. I'm happy sitting on the couch and watching television, or just doing a lot of nothing. It's relaxing and good for the soul. It's not the small things that are boring me, it's the big picture. I can't wait for the summer to roll around so I've got 300 kids running around and getting in to things. That's really the highlight of my year, and I get it for 2 straight months, so who am I to complain now?

I was the first one awake on my trip to Houston on Sunday morning, so I fired up the ole' laptap and checked all the obligatory websites. Sports, news, facebook, myspace, etc. Then I started checking all the blogs I like to read pretty regularly. The ones that are to the right. After I had checked all of those, I started to read my own. That was really what made me realize just how bored I am. Reading what I've put on there the last few months has just been blah, boring. Has my life at this point really burned out this much? I meaFridayly, it's only friday nights and that's it! I'll go out that night, and I don't even always have a good time then.

I enjoy my job, actually I love it. If I win this big lottery tonight I'll do it the rest of my life (wishful thinking). I've always been the optimist. The one who finds the good in every situation, but I've found myself being very negative lately, and questioning a lot of things that I've never questioned before.

I'm not asking for help, or I'm not on here complaining. It's just such a realization that I had to write it down to believe it. I had such a blast this weekend, and it's really turned my head in another direction. I'm seeing the upside to a lot of things, and I actually had the chance to just hang out, have a good time, and not give a dang about anything else going on around me. Everything was taken care of, and everything ran according to plan. What more can you ask for? Since then I've actually gotten in touch with several people who I have been planning to get in touch with. Those who I haven't talked to in ages. It's been great, and it's gotten my head back up in the clouds where it used to reside.

The fact still remains that I am bored though. I'll figure this stuff out, and I can't wait until I do. I'm loosing all my hair (haha) because I'm stressing over stuff I shouldn't. It'll come sooner than later though...

on a different note, I'm glad to see that Tony is back up and blogging, check his link out over there. He's got a lot of interesting things on his blog...

Saturday, February 25, 2006


I'm sitting in a hotel in Houston, watching the rain come down. This is the third year that we've come to the Go Texas bar b q. It's kind of the kick off to the stock show and rodeo, and can be better described as a drunk fest. The first cookoffs I ever went to had around 20 to 30 teams, everyone had a good time, but it wasn't all that exciting. This place though, is amazing. There are probably around 300 teams, and they do it right. Most of the teams have tents, and elaborate set ups with bands or other forms of entertainment. It's three nights of beer, bar b q, live music, and head on a swivel action.

The hotel that we are staying in has a shuttle that runs to and from the bar b q, so that makes it easy for us to get back and forth and cuts down on the drinking and driving. Last night was an interesting ride. There were about 10 of us that know each other pretty well on the bus, plus about maybe 15 others all staying in the same place. Well we decided it was going to be karaoke time, and proceeded to sing the wheels on the bus go round and round. Only some people were making up their own verses, and using their own hand gestures. It's probably not as funny to read, but being there was hilarious. I think I turned a few shades of red with some of the things that were said. The icing on the cake though, was the gaseous explosion that happened right when we were getting off the bus. Not me of course, I've got manners, but lets just say that the bus cleared out in record time. Potty humor, it's such a gross thing, but it's so funny to so many people!

Well, like I said, just sitting here, waiting for a break in the storm, and then we're gonna go out and do it again. The world's population will hit 6.5 Billion tonight, it seems as though about half of them are in Houston this weekend. I don't like big crowds, but when everyone is having a good time, that makes it worth it. Well I'm out, have a good one.

Monday, February 20, 2006


There are times in my life when I've asked if I'm here to accomplish a certain goal, and if I am, when am I going to find out what my role is. One can say that the topic delves a bit too far into philosophy or maybe even religion. I however, feel that everyone has something in their life that they eventually become known for. Some big feat, or maybe something that is so notorious that recognition is gained. Others are known for their association with a certain idea or person.

This one isn't so much about me, it's more of a broad question that can certainly pertain to anyone who reads the words I spew out weekly. Like I said earlier, I do feel that everyone is here to set a benchmark, or some kind of precedent. My question is, what happens to those who go too early? By too early, I mean before they reach the golden age, their late 60's, 70's, or even more. What about those in their 30's and 40's who are out on their own, struggling to make ends meet, and not yet gaining the success that is expected at that age. Those who live day to day, without really sticking out, or being identified with something unique. Are they just here today, gone tomorrow, without their purpose ever being exposed?

I've heard it said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and in some cases this works with my thoughts. Every person has an admirer. I don't mean admirer like love interest, but in the way that they really appreciate what that person does. Is that enough for every person to have their life role filled? Is it that simple? Who knows?

Back to me, I don't think I've found what I'm to become known for. I hope it comes up pretty soon though.

Well 24 is coming on, not too much more for me to say, just a thought I was having today...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

If I had a dime...

If I had a dime for every time I've been peppered by a shotgun, I wouldn't be rich, but I could more than likely buy a burger or something entertaining like that. I feel that the media is totally blowing this whole Cheney hunting incident out of proportion. I guess its not a new thing for them though, everything is made out to be a bigger problem than it actually is.

I remember in High School, we used to run out to my ranch after school and go dove hunting. Fun times! We used to have this field that was full of dove weed, and a few of us would stand on one side, and the rest on the other. Some days, the birds weren't flying, so one side or the other would squeeze off a shot from our 12 gauge shotgun in the air and pepper the group on the other side. A war would commence. While I realize that perhaps it wasn't the safest thing to do, at that distance there was only a slight sting from a bb hitting your arm. We don't do that anymore, but its a good thing that the media wasn't around or we would have been lambasted by everyone watching!

Now I don't want to say that I don't feel bad for the guy that Cheney shot, because I do. It sounds like he was pretty close. However, he didn't make his presence known. The few times that I've been quail hunting, we were told that we should always make sure that we are in a safe area behind the other shooter. He didn't do that, and Cheney should have perhaps been a little bit easier on the trigger. Accidents happen though, every day. The guy we hunted with last year had seen people peppered thousands of times, even a guy killed one time when not hunting safe. Why isn't that reported in the media. I guess the higher the pedestal, the higher the more eyes on you.

On a completely unrelated note, I locked my keys in my truck the other day. Yeah me. I got into the habit of locking my doors when I was in Lubbock, and usually catch myself when I try to lock them here. The other day I got out pushed the lock down with my elbow shut the door and walked around the truck. By the time I hit the nose of my truck, I turned around, and looked at the door, sure enough, keys in the ignition, door locked. Luckily we have a super mechanic that made his way over here and unlocked the door for me. It's a bit embarrassing. One time in Corpus with everyone visiting for Spring Break, I locked the keys in the truck while it was running outside of a restaurant. So yesterday I had a spare made, and it now resides in my wallet! No problem anymore!

Valentines day came and went. I got a call from Ana, that was nice. It was a pretty full day, full of Valentines love. I played with Gus, watched some Olympics, ate some pollo asada, which was fantastic, and spent about the last hour finishing up a book. It was a good book, but I was a little let down with the ending. I could tell it was going to be that way though, because it was about 500 pages, and when I was on 420 something, there was no start of a resolution in site. Oh well, it was still entertaining!

Have a great day...

Monday, February 06, 2006

Waitin' for 24

Another boring night in Ingram. It's 7:45 and I don't really have anything interesting to say today. It seems lately I haven't had much interesting to say at all. Maybe my brain isn't in deep thinking mode, or maybe I haven't had much worth thinking about lately. It seems that I'm in that day to day grind. That's where the days run together, and unless it's a weekend, I've got to do some serious thinking if you ask me what the day is. The fog will eventually lift when things start getting a little more busy at camp.

On the plus side today, I did an interview with a girl who seemed to be dynamite. She was quick on all of her responses, and gave great answers. Hopefully she'll perform as good at camp as she did on the interview. We got tons of reference letters in today, so we're well on the way to hiring our full staff. We need a few more boys though, so if anyone who reads this knows of any guys who might be a good fit for the counselor thing, send them my way. Seriously, I'll give you 5 bucks, or at least a hug and a sloppy kiss. Sounds appealing, just imagine, the more you send, the more affection you might get! Luckkkyyy...

I don't know how many folks will notice, but there's now a counter on the site! Over to the right. That's how bored I am tonight. I've always wanted to put one on here, but just figured it out tonight after noticing one on a friend of mines blog. Frickin' amazing 'eh? I hope it doesn't cause anyone to shy away from checking this thing out. I can't tell who looks at it, just how many are return visitors. So boost my ego and refresh your page a few times! Excellent...

So I'm waiting for 24 to come on. I don't know if anyone else watches this show, but it's super entertaining. I mean, if you like guns and killing terrorists, you can't go wrong spending an hour a week in front of the tube. Last season it was Arabic terrorists, this season it's the Rooskies (Russians). For those of you who don't know, the entire season takes place over a 24 hour time period. I think tonight is like from noon to 1 pm. I can't imagine my life ever being exciting enough to film an entire seasons worth of material over. Who knows though, I can be entertaining if needs be. Wouldn't I be a great reality tv star? Gus and Me, cruisin' for the chickys...Naaaaa, didn't think so...

The super bowl was a bit of a let down. I don't profess to love professional football, too many egos. I don't like it when a player can make more than his coach. I like that the college guys are playing for more than just the greenbacks. However, I always look forward to anytime the Vikings play, gotta cheer on my boy, and the playoffs. I was hoping that it would be a better game. It was a defensive struggle most of the time. That doesn't necessarily mean it wasn't a good game, just boring to watch. The get together we had was fun though.

Well that's all for now. Like I said earlier, nothing exciting to write about. Just thoughts here and there. Have a wonderful day, and hopefully I'll catch all of y'all soon!