Friday, March 10, 2006

Wedding Bells

No not me, not even close, are you crazy. The lucky lady hasn't been found yet. When I say lucky, I mean...Lucckkkkyyyyy.

It seems like the end of this week has had to do with weddings! It's kind of a joyous thing. It makes me happy to see my friends happy. Yesterday I went and got measured for a tuxedo that I'll be wearing in a wedding in May. Big guys like me who wear over a size 50 jacket get to pay a little extra for their coats. Not a problem, I can't help I've got broad shoulders (and an expanding waistline). The real kick in the sack was when I had to size up on my pants. I told the lady my waist size and she said that I might want to try on the next size of pants because these run a little weird. That does a lot for my sense of self-esteem. Plus the fact she wasn't all that nice. I mean sheesh lady if I'm going to let you run your little measuring tool all over me, the least you could do is partake in a little conversation. I might not be that friendly either if I was like 8 months pregnant and having to bend over and measure people's inseams. Oh well. Oh well, all was good!

So as we get further along in life, I guess its inevitable that my friends start going off and getting married. Not a big deal, I like it. Weddings are fun, usually some sort of booze fest, and you get to see a lot of people you haven't seen in ages. I've got two weddings to go to in May, and one in early June. Now today, I figure one of my best friends from High School was engaged yesterday. He's putting things on the fast track, and they'll be married in July! How crazy is that? I'm really looking forward to that one, because it'll be tons of fun, and he's marrying a keeper. I don't know her real well, but every time I've met her she seems wonderful! Super sweet!

Everything is fine and dandy with me right now. Things were a bit stressful this week at work. We had a conference the first part of the week. Actually, a CAMPference. Not much of a difference, but a fancy name! Then after that it was a bunch of catch up. Today was the first day I was actually able to check myspace all week. Crazy 'eh? I like being busy, but hate the fact that I'm starting to stress myself out about things. It seems like I've either got nothing at all going on, or about 10 at a time. I don't do well with the multi-tasking thing. I can't wait until the summer though. I know I say that on just about every blog, but I'm looking forward to it so much. I'm not counting down the days, but I might start sometime soon.

So back to the weddings. I was talking to someone..hmmm...can't really remember who yesterday, and we were talking about all the weddings coming up, and how crazy it is. I don't feel that even if I was in a serious relationship right now that I'd be ready to tie the knot. I guess I have the maturity to do so, but sometimes I wonder. Then I get to thinking if I'm gonna' be the opposite of an old maid. What would you call that? An old-butler? Surely not, hopefully not, I mean I've got a lot to teach. I've still have a lot to learn too though. I don't like the fact that people these days often rush in to things. Things like hey we met yesterday, let's get married today, and if that doesn't work out, we'll just get a divorce tomorrow.

I know people don't go into their nuptials thinking that, but a lot of people see that as the easy way out, other than working through things. In my mind, it's gonna' be a one and done thing. We both better be sure before taking the big leap.

I'm not saying that these upcoming weddings represent anything that I've said here. Not at all, actually they've all been dating for years, and by this time know what they're getting themselves into. It's those who meet one day, and are married like 3 months later. Some of those turn out great though. I don't know, maybe it's just me being too conservative.

Well I know this is a long one, but it's been a while, and these weddings make me want to put some things out there to see what everyone thinks.

Spike, I don't know if you still check in on my blog, but I wanted to tell you that I feel your pain. Your blog from I guess today, or late this week, don't know for sure what day it was. I think the same thing all the time, and have never been able to put it in words as well as you did! You're not alone, just know that!

Have a good one all...I'm out!


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