Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Halloween Costumes & Leftover Pizza

I've had this song stuck in my head for the last couple of weeks, and I can't get it out. It's by Mark David Manders, who I'm sure a lot of y'all have never heard of. The song talks about how Halloween Costumes and Leftover Pizza, are only good for a day. The memories are bound by a lifetime warranty, and guaranteed not to fade.

Let me explain something real quick, all my friends make fun of me because I really enjoy two things. First off is Magnum PI. The show really entertains me, and even though I've seen most of them, I continue to watch whenever I can. I like the living on the edge feeling that the show gives. Secondly, I'm pretty much a fanatic of Mark David Manders. He's not one of your big time country music singers, but I think he's better than most. I've probably seen more than 10 of his concerts. I love to hear his music, but every now and then, I like to listen to exactly what he has to say. I guess that's some reason that I've had this song stuck in my head the last couple of weeks.

Some would call my affinity for these two things man-crushes. Which I think is a little overboard, but I guess it would work. Not in the whole, I'm in love way, but more in the admiration way. It's stupid to say, and probably even more stupid to read, but there are few things in life that I can say that I have a real keen interest in. I feel I need to explain more, but I'll leave it at that. If anyone has any questions, I'll make sure to elaborate a bit on my reply wall.

Anyway, back to this song. It really makes me look at all the little things in life that we use or consume without thinking about. The Halloween costumes and leftover pizzas are two examples, but there are so many more. Actually most everything can qualify. The gas we put in our vehicles, the dog doo that I clean up everyday. These temporary things are etched in our minds for the rest of time. If you were the sentimental type, which I sometime am, if you were to think about this, you'd take your time and enjoy things more. You'd realize that the 3 hours you spend watching the Super Bowl or whatever are so much more than just TV time.

As we head into this new year, I can say that neither of my resolutions are going great right now. I'm not getting as much exercise as I wanted, but I've only really broke the diet a couple of times. I haven't been good at staying in touch. I guess I have the entire year to perfect it, it's hard to change just like that, cold turkey and all that jazz. I want to start another one though. I've been a lot of places, and seen a lot of cool things. With most of them though, I'm left with just these memories. I need better aids to remember my experiences. I would like to take a lot more pictures from here on out. It's so easy in this digital age, so there isn't really much of an excuse not to. I just don't want to be the one who is always annoying everyone by saying one more picture. People pictures are cool, but I prefer the ones of places.

Great, boring blog I know. One of these days I'll post something interesting, but for now, that's all I got. Have a good one!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a great writer. Unbelieveable!

12:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

man-crush...interesting Sanch!

7:01 PM  

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