Friday, May 05, 2006

Cinco De Mayo

After reading the passage below, I'm thinking to myself "Damn I'm a downer sometimes". All is good in my life though, no problems.

Tonight is Cinco De Mayo. La Batalla de Puebla (the battle of Puebla, or for many other Americans who don't know the meaning, Let's go out and drink Mexican Beer night! I might do some of the same, but being somewhat of the history buff I am, (not near as much as I used to be), I thought I'd get on here and let all y'all know that had the Battle of Puebla not occurred, Mexico might still be under French rule. Kind of, there's more to it than that. Take that for what you will.

Not too much to say tonight, just wanted to let everyone who doesn't know, what is being celebrated and why. Chalk another one up for the dork!


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