Monday, September 25, 2006

Day 22

Hello all...It's Monday morning here, and I'm about to start classes. I realized I haven't written here in a few days, so I thought I'd drop a few lines while I had the time to do so. Nothing too exciting has been going on since the last past. Just classes, and studying. I still wouldn't say I have a grasp on the language, but Friday was a pretty good day for me. At least in my morning class. I was speaking very fluidly, and afterwards both the teacher and the other student in class told me so. The afternoon class was a bit different though. The hangover I'd been fighting from the day before had finally caught up to me, and I was having trouble staying awake.

The night before we went to a bar called the Jazz Cafe to watch a band called Editus. I'd never heard of them, but they were supposed to be really good. It wasn't exactly my kind of music. It was all instrumental, and pretty slow. Don't get me wrong, I really like and appreciate that kind of music, but not in a bar. The second half of their show they had a lady come on stage and sing some songs. She was really good, and knew all the words to the 10 or so Carpenters songs she sang. Who would have thought I'd come to Costa Rica and hear the locals singing the Carpenter's greatest hits? The next day I was telling the teacher about the trip, and she told me that Editus is the band from Central America with the most Grammy's. So I guess I appreciate it even more now. The best part was that the beer was cold, and the company was great...

I'd always known that Latin America is heavily influenced by what's going on in the states. After listening to this singer belt out songs in English it became even that much more solidified in my mind. It's very evident in day to day life here that the states has such a grasp on these people, as well as the people in the other (Mexico) Latin American country that I've been to. Perhaps one day I'll write a book on it..Or not, just a thought. I'm sure there's been plenty of others who have done it already.

This is my last week of classes. I can't believe how fast it flew by. Friday Chuck, and maybe my Dad are going to come in. I don't know for sure what we'll do, but I've got a couple of tentative plans in the work. A lot of it depends on if my Dad comes or not. There's only so much time I can spend at a beach. I also want to see the Caribbean side of the country!! I'll update as more news on that front comes.

I don't have too much planned for this week. I'd like to spend a lot of time with the folks I've met here though. They're a very nice group, and we have a lot of fun together. I don't know if we'll get the chance to do so or not, but I can always hope I guess.

That's all for now. Have a great day! I'll update as soon as something is worthy of being written down! Adios!


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