Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Day 10

Another beautiful day here in Costa Rica. It actually only rained for like an hour yesterday. I'm sure today it'll make up for that! Some of my classmates and myself are in the process of reserving hotels and busses for this upcoming weekend in Manual Antonio. The three day weekend will be taken full advantage of! It's the Costa Rican independence day on Friday. I imagine it might be interesting to sit around and see what goes on in the city, but probably way more fun to hit up the beach.

Not too much exciting news to report. I've started talking a lot more to the maid at the house where I live. I think she's from Nicaragua, that's the vibe I get. She cracks me up because sometimes she'll just start laughing for no apparent reason. Like yesterday, I was in my room reading, and I hear her bustin' a gut in the kitchen. I don't know what could have been so funny because we were the only 2 in the house! Another funny thing is, when she talks to me, she yells. I guess she thinks that talking louder will help me understand better! She's a hell of a cook.

So on the news down here I've been reading about this mass poisoning they had somewhere up north in the country. They have an alcohol down here called Guaro. It's like a vodka made from sugarcane. Well, there were some moonshiners making their own Guaro and they ended up killing more than 35 people. It's kind of a sad deal because the news here doesn't really edit too much. They were showing the hospital where the people were, and some of them were on the verge of death, and some were already dead. Just not something you see on American television.

Welp, I've got class here in a bit. I might not update again until Monday or Tuesday of next week. I hope everyone has a great week!



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