Thursday, October 06, 2005

Random Ramblings

So the Astros are on television. Game two, I predict a 4 game series with the Astros winning it. If you check my archives, I made my predictions in like April or May. I picked 7 out of the 8 teams in the playoffs. Dang I'm good.

The one thing I do not like about this year's playoffs, is that so many people are picking the Astros to go all the way. (as they fall behind 5-1). If I've learned anything in my 24 years, it's that the teams that I want to win, won't, if someone starts talking great about them.

The trip to Atlanta was awesome. I had a great time. I didn't get to spend as much time with my Sister as I would have liked. She worked for the first two days. We still had a good time together. We went and ate at Houston's on Sunday night after the Vikings game. We ate and talked, then afterwards had a few drinks and talked a little more. I really enjoyed that. Just being able to sit there and talk to someone the way that we talk is awesome. It's really something that I haven't been able to do since Ana and I broke up. I guess the majority of that is having someone there that knows you so well. Which is funny, because my sister and I have really missed out a lot in each other's lives, but when we get together its like we've never missed a day.

I got to the ATL airport about 11 on Thursday night, and my sister was there to pick me up. After that we went back to her apartment and hung out for a bit.

Friday we went to lunch at chipotles then she went to work at noon. Her husband and his brother were out car shopping, but came by to pick me up after a couple of hours. Which gave me adequate time to do my homework. (which is funny because when I'm in Lubbock, I rarely do it until the day before or the day of). That night we stayed at the apartment and had an early night.

Saturday she had work from 10-3, then came back. I slept until noon that day. It was nice, but I always feel like I miss half of my day. At around 4 Cullen called to let me know he was in town. We went and picked him up at about 5, and went out to eat. We went to this Mexican food place. The food was pretty good, nothing like any of the Taquerias in Kerrpatch, but good none the less. It was fancy too. After eating we drove around and saw the Georgia Tech campus. Which was nice. Then we dropped Cullen off and went to a bar for a drink. After that, went back to the apartment.

Sunday we took it easy in the morning, then went to the football game. Wow, the Georgia Dome was awesome. The Vikings didn't do too well. They lost 30-10. If its any consolation though, they out scored the Falcons 10-6 in the second half. A moral victory if you will. I'm probably the only one who sees it that way. The best part about it was seeing Cullen play in the NFL. I've never experienced anything like that. Its such a thrill to actually know someone on the field. He's amazing at what he does too. The punter never even had to move his hands to catch the snap. After the game we went and ate at Houston's. Which by the way if you've never been, is an amazing place to eat. That was my third time to go to one, and I've enjoyed it every time.

Monday, we went into the Buckhead part of Atlanta. My best explanation for that is that it's kinda like the Alamo Heights area of San Antonio. It's a super nice place. We went first to a mall and had some lunch. I had a really good sandwich and we split a roll of sushi. I like sushi. This mall had all kinds of higher end stores. Not an Old Navy or Gap anywhere to be seen. Afterwards we went to another mall so she could return some stuff. That was pretty much it. Afterwards was the airport, then back to Lubbock.

I'm not a big fan of flying, never have been. I'm just not comfortable being up there, and not comfortable in the seats with someone right next to me within elbows length. I don't' like to be cramped. Well the flights weren't really all that bad. We had a rough landing in Atlanta, but not too bad. Coming into Lubbock though, I don' t know what happened. When we were making our descent, I think the pilot may have dipped the nose down a little fast because it felt like we were on a roller coaster, and my stomach went through my throat. We landed fine though, and I was the only person that seemed to be disturbed by it.

I was so close to staying in Atlanta for another week because the Astros are playing there, and she got tickets. I figured that I have only one responsibility right now though, and that is to go to classes. So I felt obligated to come back. I'm kicking myself in the butt for it right now though, because we did absolutely nothing in my classes this week. I guess I had to do the responsible thing though...Booo responsibility...

I had an interesting talk today on the phone. A girl I went to elementary and middle school with called and we talked for over an hour. Her name is Megan, and we were really good friends back in the day. We kept up with each other after she moved away from Ingram. We talked like maybe once a year or something like that. When we got to college, she came and visited Justin and I in Lubbock for the Oklahoma State game one year (that's where she goes). When Justin and I were doing our counselor recruiting, we hung out with her in Stillwater. We had a blast, but I hadn't really talked to her much since then. She's an interesting girl, with a memory like a steel trap. She never forgets anything. The majority of our conversation today was about things that happened back in elementary and middle school.

Well that's all the random thoughts going on in my head right now. The Astros are starting to frustrate me a bit, so I'm going to shut this down and see what else is on television. No, I'm not a fairweather fan, I just know the routine. I change the channel for a while, then come back, and the Astros are making their way back!!!


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