Monday, June 26, 2006

Cheap Thrills

Yesterday was a LONG day. All ended well though. I got out of here for about 45 minutes and made the obligatory stop at Wal-Mart. I picked up some dog food and a few other things as well. When I got back to camp I did some pidly stuff, then helped out with the night time vesper service. Somehow through that, I felt a little rejuvinated and ended up staying up way later than I had planned. I got up to the house and brought my little baggy with everything from Wal-Mart in it inside. One of the things I bought was an air freshener, not because my room stinks, just because I liked the smell of it. So I plugged that in the wall. It's pretty sweet, febreze, it alternates smells every few hours, that way you don't get too used to the same smell. This technology thing is far reaching eh? So after smelling the fresh citrus smells, I reached further in my bag and pulled out the new bars of soap that I also bought at Wal-Mart. Nothing like a fresh bar of soap for a shower.

Pretty boring details yes I know, but last night really reminded me of a David Allan Coe song. Cheap Thrills. Wal-Mart makes my day. Little things like air fresheners and new bars of soap can turn what's been a long day into a fan-friggin-tastic evening.

Good story 'eh?

We're winding down here. It is the last week of our first term. Starting to look a little bit forward to second term. Trying to do a bit of the planning, cabin lists, counselor assignments, all that fun stuff. This crew of kids is really a great group though. I'll miss the majority of them, probably not all, but the majority. Yeah, actually I'll miss 'em all. That's one of the things about my current job that I don't enjoy as much as being just a regular counselor, I don't get to spend near as much time with the kiddos. I have been getting to spend more time with the girls camp though, and that's always fun. We've got a great batch of girls this summer. We've got the big dance on Wednesday, it's going to be a blast. Our counselors always doozie themselves up for it. I think the theme for this one might be "revenge of the nerds". I'll fit right in I'm sure.

July will also be a fun month. We have way more boys coming in. It's consistently a more competitive term as well. Also planned are a bachelor party and wedding for one of the best friends from High School. I feel guilty for taking those days off, but I've only had a couple so far this summer so it'll even out for me. Also, you just can't miss the wedding and bachelor party of one of your best friends. That's just not right. Rockport for the bachelor party, and Austin for the wedding. With all the meatheads that are going to be at each of these, it'll be an interesting time!

So I'll try to update more often. I always feel like I'm busy during camp, but I couldn't tell you exactly what I've been doing. I think it's just a conglomeration of little things that ends up taking an entire day! Also I had a friend, if that's what I'd call her, truth is I hate her, but she asked the other day about blogging. I didn't so eloquently answer her question, so I'll try a bit more now. The question was something to the effect of, if by blogging do I censor what you say to please the readers? All I can say to that is that sometimes I do censor myself. Not so much that I don't say what I want to, but I skirt around it and eventually get to the point. I do of course try to keep the language a little cleaner than others, but that's mainly because of my job, and I feel people that cuss to much need work on their vocabularies. The fact is, I don't really blog for anyone else, I do it for myself. It's a bit of a release to get things out here in the open where I can read them! Hopefully that's more of a good answer...I also encourage anyone else to blog. If I do it, anyone can. I don't speak elegantly, I just throw a bunch of words together and hope they make sense. Surely I'm on the lower rung in this brobdingnagian world of bloggers.

I hope all is well with everyone. Talk to you soon...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss you!

5:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just got to read this today. Needless to say I have been outta the loop. Good answer I think. Thanks friendnot. P.S. Two Bars of soap + a febreeze plug-in = Stinkymagoo.

10:29 AM  

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