Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Porch Duty

So it's 10:40 and I'm sitting on the office porch waiting for the off night counselors to make it back. This is the last off night for the term. That's when I know that we're getting close to the end, people start talking about what they're going to do between terms, or after camp lets out. As for me, I guess once it's over it'll be planning time again. I'll make sure to have one night of fun in there somewhere though.

With the changing of terms, we're going to lose one of our program directors, and promote the assistant from this term to head. On the girls side, we'll have the same program director, which is great, things always get better the second time around. Although it is hard to improve on near perfection. I'm very optimistic about the upcoming month. It's going to fly by probably as fast if not faster than this first term did. It seems once the new counselors get comfortable with their given positions, that things all flow smoothly. Last year I had to talk to kids and counselors most every day about problems with their conduct, this year I can count those talks on one hand. That either means that the campers and counselors have improved immensely, or that the whole chain of command thing is working the way it's supposed to (everything is being handled before it gets to me).

Being that this is the last off night, I imagine that people aren't going to show up until the last possible second. Which is fine with me, that gives me more time to do this pile of paperwork that's been accumulating on my desk all day.

Yeah, another boring post. No deep thoughts or anything. One of these days I'll start thinking deep again.

One exciting note, I've gotten 3 out of 4 of the books on Costa Rica that I ordered. I'm pretty excited about that...Have a good one!


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