Monday, November 13, 2006


So I wasn't really planning on posting tonight. So if this blog sucks, chalk it up to the new version of blogger that I just switched to. Y'all probably won't see any difference, but it's supposed to be way different on this end. All the other ones usually are far from entertaining anyway...

I've been thinking a lot how with no matter how different a lot of us are in our lives, we all pretty much hit the same things throughout our time here. The last year has been pretty crazy because all of my friends are getting married. I like to say they're dropping like flies, which they are, but that's not really a good way of explaining it. They're all very lucky to have found that one that they love and God willing will be with for the rest of their lives. I'm not writing this to say I'm so lonely, because that's not my point, it's totally different. (I'm not lonely by the way, I'm perfectly content) My point here is that our lives all follow pretty much the same paths. No matter how far our paths drift from each other, we'll all experience a lot of the same events. Those being fortune, luck, and lack there of.

I use the friends getting married thing, but that's just one of many. A lot are things that we come to expect, much like getting married eventually. There's graduation, which hopefully happens for most of us. Then there's college for some, work for others. Graduations and promotions thereafter. Most of the time, relationships, marriages, children. My clique is in the middle of that one. Not too many have the kiddos yet. One of the expected things that sometimes comes completely unexpectedly is the last part of our lives.

When thinking of these paths I've only really used my own life for an example. The last day though I've seen my Dad having to deal with a friend of his passing away. Like I said it's something that is inevitable, it's going to happen sooner of later for all of us. This one wasn't quite expected. Regardless of knowing that its coming or not, there's no real way of not being hurt by it.

This guy was one of the good guys. He and my Dad met in college at Schreiner, then moved on to A&M together afterwards. They had a big group of friends that they called "the family". Everyone had a nickname, some were brother/sister, things like that. My Dad's nickname was B.I.L. (brother in law). Others were Sister in law, gravedigger, possum, Alabama, fun names like that which still stick with them today. After college they all went their own ways but if one was going anywhere near the other's hometown, they'd stop, visit, spend the night. It's a friendship that even though you don't talk all that often, you always know the other is there regardless of how long it's been or what time of the day it is. I know I have friends like that, and I hope a lot of folks think of me the same way.

Well he'd been fighting cancer for 5 or 6 years and everyone was optimistic that the worse was behind him. When my Dad got the call yesterday, I could tell the automatic change. The wife (who was actually Sister-in-Law in "the family"), broke the news, and asked my Dad to let the rest of "the family" know. I think it was the combination of the horrible news, and the fact that he had to call and report to those life long friends that hit him the hardest. He's better now, but I feel bad for him. I wonder if he's getting to that point in life where this'll start happening more often. Let's hope not.

I've always looked at these things happening and never really envisioned the only one that is 100% inevitable, death...

I don't so much want to be a downer, or gloomy, just wanted to put some thoughts on the computer and see if anyone ever thinks the same...

It actually makes me think of an old riddle.

What starts it's life on 4 legs
Then moves to 2 legs
Then towards the last part of life uses 3 legs

Figure that one out...

Paz friends...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good blog Sancho. Makes you think about life, friends, etc. It is inevitable so we have to cherish the time we have with each other always!

6:40 PM  

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