Day 25 and 26..Last day of school
Nothing too terribly exciting going on. Last night I was playing with the two little kids that live in my house. Board games. I was going to let the 8 year old win, but not before putting a little scare in him that the big stupid gringo was going to wipe the floor with him. He eventually started blatantly cheating, so I told him that I don't play with cheaters. I was trying to teach him a lesson, but I don't think it worked, because he took his game piece and claimed the victory. In 2 different games actually. I guess I can chalk that up to the language barrier!.......
So another day here, I got side tracked yesterday and didn't finish that blog. It's now the final day of classes here. I just had a good conversation with one of the ladies who works here about Spanish, and the school. It's run really well, and is a professional place. I was telling her how I was frustrated about a week ago because they gave us 4 new verb tenses in 4 days and we didn't much get the chance to use them. Now though, we've had more chances, and things are going better. I feel more confident at least.
Again, I'm nursing a hangover. It wasn't planned, it just kind of happened. It's actually only the 3rd I've had since I've been here, so I've been relatively good! Out of the people who went out last night, I'm also the only one at school this morning, so I must be the best off. Chuck and my Dad get here in 2 and a half hours. I'm super excited about them coming. I hope I can entertain them well enough. I could really use a nap about now.
One of my classmates made a list of things she's learned in Costa Rica, and as soon as I can get my hands on it, I'm going to post it. Pretty funny stuff.
Last night we went to the Jazz Cafe again. I've written about it before. It's a neat place, but it's always like 85 degrees in there. Last night they had a girl named Sasha Campbell. She sings R&B, and several older songs in English. She was really good. It was a very entertaining night to say the least. Before she started singing, she was talking to a guy on the side of the stage who was dressed up like a Amish person (sans the beard). We thought he was just some random person, but he was the highlight of the night. After Sasha's first set, the guy gets on stage with a bongo drum and starts playing and singing. Only you couldn't understand anything he was saying. It was in Spanish, but even if I was 100% fluent in Spanish I wouldn't have been able to understand. Between his two songs, he stopped and told jokes. He was laughing at his own jokes so hard that everyone in the cafe was rolling out of their chairs. Afterwards, he came around with his hat and was asking for tips. He made over $10 US from our table. One of the girls got a picture of him, as soon as she sends it, I'll post it. Very entertaining.
It would be impossible to top that, but one of Sasha Campbell's dancers came close. He got on stage and was shaking his groove thing. The girl next to me said, "he's REALLY enjoying dancing, like he's excited to be dancing". Then everyone at the table died laughing. The guy was doing his dances and was visibly excited, in front of the entire restaurant. He was a professional though, so he didn't stop, he pulled his shirt down and kept on dancing. Good stuff, classic!
2 quick sports notes. I miss my sportscenter for one, but thanks to this wonderful internet chunchee (the word that Ticos use for thingy) I am able to keep up with the 'Stros and Tech.
As of right now, the Astros are 1/2 game back of the Cardinals. They need to win out, and hope the Cards lose at least one. I still don't think it's going to happen, but wouldn't it be special? I'll be searching for the box scores in the newspapers down here, but I might not know for sure until I get back to the states. Let's keep our fingers crossed that the 'Stros do it...
Tech plays our most hated rival this weekend. Texas Friggin' A and M. Even though my Dad is a die hard Aggie, I despise them, and hope we beat them by 50. Not gonna' happen though, I don't think we're all that good. We'll see.
It cracks me up that probably one of the most exciting sports weekends of the year, I'll be far away from any type of tv. If I can have just one of the two, I'll be a happy gringo. If both win, I'll be the happiest gringo in the world...
I won't be posting again while I'm in Costa Rica. That means over a week. Unless I get to use a computer somewhere, but it's highly unlikely. Next time you see me, I'll be back in the states, missing Costa Rica, and trying to use my Spanish on anyone who'll listen...