Thursday, December 29, 2005


What a beautiful day, a December day. It's 75 degrees, and I'm sitting here in short sleeves. Kind of crazy to think about. I know at this time last year, it was pretty chilly. Two years ago at this time, I was freezing my buns off in Rome! I've always preferred the warm weather, and I certainly can't much complain about what we've had here this past week. The only time it really gets cold is during the night, which most people don't have to go out in. Me on the other hand, I have to go and walk my pup whenever he starts to make noises in his kennel. I don't want any little poopies in there, or on my floor, or wherever the heck he is. Still though, it's above freezing, and usually hovering around 40 degrees at 3 in the morn.

I just wanted to come on here and say that I know I've been complaining a lot about having to be back in the Ingram/K-town area, but I really love it. The beauty of this place is unmatched by anything I've ever seen. There may be some places in the world that compare, but these two eyes haven't seen them. I was thinking about that earlier as I crossed the low water crossing that runs to and from camp for the 4th time today. So many people that live in the city, or elsewhere, don't get to experience the hill country living. Rivers running lazily through miles and miles of hills. Towns that are laid out in the valleys that the hills create. People jockeying for the best real-estate so that they have "the view" from their porches. Things that we all take for granted are viewed by others as some of the most awesome things in the world. The low water crossing for example, I know numerous campers/parents who look forward to their trip to camp, partly because of the fact they get to drive across water to get into camp. I would imagine that a large portion of people from outside of the hill country would pull up and perhaps freak out at the sight of water running across the road!

I've heard it said that God Blessed Texas, but I think he doted on this area of the Hill Country.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Back to the Grind

Well it's Tuesday, 2 days after Christmas and I'm back at work. I don't like how Christmas and New Years both fall on weekends this year. Where's the vacation time that we've all come accustomed to in the past? Well I say all of us, but this is really the first time I've had to work, or do much of anything over the break between what is usually a fall semester and a spring semester. Regardless though, it's much more fun when holidays fall in the middle of the week.

To tell the truth though, (<---when someone says that, they're usually lying, not this time though) I'm happy to be back at work. I had a good time, and was glad to have both Friday and Monday off, but things can get awfuly boring at times around Kerrpatch. I know I've done the whole Kerrville is boring spiel, but I'm just being a bit truthful. This break was fun though, most of that is probably due to the new addition to our family (see below). I haven't been able to get much sleep, and my fingers have just about been chewed all the way through. Gus is still a cute pup, and he hasn't pooped in the house yet! Which is quite an accomplishment (I guess I should knock on some wood...done).

Without wanting to brag, or sound like a spoiled brat, (which most of you know I am), I got a lot of cool things for Christmas. I only asked for one thing seriously, and one thing joking around. I seriously asked for this little alarm clock thingy that my ipod will sit on top of, and I can wake up to the sound of music instead of the annoying beep of the old dream machine alarm clock I've had since I graduated. I jokingly asked for a puppy. I say jokingly, but there was some seriousness there. I definitely wanted one, but for me not knowing what exactly I'll be doing the next year or so of my life, it probably isn't the best time for one. I'm not complaining though. Well anyway, I got the puppy from my Dad. Then one of his friends, and the guy who is my Godfather got me the Ipod radio. Which is a funny story because he lives in San Antonio, and my Dad called and asked him to pick one up because he couldn't make it down there. Well the guy ends up saying that the radio will be from him, and that leaves my Dad presentless. In comes the Dog, and a happy Sancho.

There you have it, or I have them, the two presents that I wanted the most! Well later in the day, the guy who has lived out at our ranch forever comes to our house. He loves the little cokes from Mexico that they use real cane sugar in, so my Dad and I got him a case for Christmas. He says thanks, and drives back out to the ranch. About 30 minutes later, he pulls back up, and comes in with a cigar box. He comes up to me and says, well for graduating and Christmas, I brought you a few cigars. So I get the box, and he steps back a few steps, so I cautiously start to open the box, scared there's a snake or something inside, and it turns out to be a pistol. Now this was a totally unexpected surprise because, well, I wasn't expecting it (duh). Also though, because it's such an extravagant gift that I always figured that I'd be the one buying my own one of these days. Excellent Surprise!

Then Christmas day, we were over at the people's house that we always go to for holidays, and we got to talking about Guy Harvey. If you don't know who that is, you should. Well if you like the sort of things he draws, you should. He does all kinds of fishing and nautical drawings. He has t-shirts that I'm sure everyone has seen. Well anyway, we got to talking about Guy Harvey because the guy who owns the house has met him, and we all admire his drawings and things. He walks into the house, and comes out with this poster and gives it to me. I open it up, and it' s a Guy Harvey poster of peacock bass. Pretty sweet, well I look closer, and it's autographed! Another Excellent gift!

Like I said earlier, I don't want to seem like a spoiled brat, but I was/am. For someone who has his own questions on the whole religion thing, I feel unsure about partaking in a holiday that is based completely around the birth of the foundation of so many religions, but I guess I just do what I've become acustomed to in the past. I wont' get too much into the religion thing. Let me just say that I most definitely have my beliefs, and believe in some sort of higher all knowing power. I've heard it said before that you can be spiritual, but not religious. If I had to describe myself, I'd say that.

Anyway, that's it for now.

I'm out!

Monday, December 26, 2005

mi hijo

I got quite a surprise on Christmas Eve. My Dad swore to me that there was no way that I would be getting a dog. Well, guess what I got...

a puppy! This is Gus, short for Augustus. He sleeps a lot, pees a lot, and poops a lot. The other dog is Nina, the aforementioned Jack Russel Terrior...

Thursday, December 22, 2005


Just got the news that the office will be closed Friday and Monday. Exciting stuff, not that I really have anything to do though. I'm really enjoying myself up to this point so far. Nothing has really gone on, but it's nice to not have that transition period to where you have to learn everything new. If you look at the bigger picture though, I guess there is somewhat of a transition period. This month, or few months will be the transition into what is hopefully the rest of my life.

My Dad and I had a big talk last night about life, and what I should do, or what he thinks I should do. He usually starts every statement with, "I'm not telling you what to do...but". I know he isn't telling me what to do, and I appreciate that, but I also enjoy any input he has on anything. So he told me that I should hang around here as long as I want. Long enough to get my feet on the ground and figure out what exactly it is that I want to do with my life. I agree. I have my dream job right now, it's just all the intangibles that suck. I like to think that if this job was any where else, other than the Ingram/Kerrville area, that I'd be happy as a fat baby. I know I've said it before, I love this area, but I need to let myself go, get out of here, live on my own, be my own person, have everything depend solely on me. I think in the last year or so, I've become much more independent, but there's so much more growing space for me. Another of the intangibles is that I have this lust for the greenbacks, and want to, at some point, sooner than later, make enough money to where I don't have to worry about making my monthly payments, or stretching money out to last the entire month. With moving away comes a lot more costs, I realize that, but moving away also brings in a lot more money. I'm not complaining about the money I get from camp though, because I'd do this job for free if I could.

Anyway, back to the talk with mi padre. He said that if I wanted to hang around for a month, three months, or a year or two that I should do that. It should be my decision, and I should go where my heart takes me. Well not exactly those words, but kind of, I just like to church things up a bit.

My biggest quandary though is not wanting to be too far away from him. I'm pretty much all he's got, and the same for him to me. I've always been so careful with what I say, and what I do in front of him because I don't want to throw the image of the good son out, or take any chances on disappointing him. After the talk last night though, it kind of made me feel like it might be okay to go somewhere far away, just not too far. So with that, I'm still somewhat perplexed with what my next choice should be.

I know that all my recent posts have been over stuff like this, but it's a substantial decision that'll be eventually facing me, and it's on my mind day and night. I'm a friggin' genius though, so I'll figure it out....let's hope!

On a lighter note, I asked for a puppy for Christmas. I was only half serious, but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted one. I'm not going to get one for Christmas, but I might in the next few months, so that's exciting for me. I need that constant companion and best friend with me all the time.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Feeling My Age

The wheezing, hacking, and groans of discomfort everyone heard this morning were more than likely coming from my direction. Yesterday, we got a big basketball game going here at camp. I love basketball, probably my all time favorite sport to play. Well, we played for a little more than two hours. Great exercise and a great time had by all.

I like to joke a lot about being old. I'm only 25 though, and realize that I'm still a young buck. The green pastures of older life are far far away from me at this point. This morning though, is one of the first times I've felt old though. When I was a junior in High School, I twisted my ankle somewhat bad, but never went to the doctor. I just had a few visits with the trainer at the High School and declared myself ready to go about a week later.

After that, I stayed pretty active for the next few years, and it never bothered me again. Now though, that I'm a little older, a little fatter, and there's so much time between physical activities. I can hardly walk the morning after. So there I was this morning, waking up to take a shower and come to work. One foot on the ground, two feet on the ground, stand up....sit down....

It took about 10 minutes to stretch it out and apply weight to it. Eventually I got up, and on with my day. I can call it a reminder of my young days I guess. I know a lot of people who've had surgeries and can now predict the weather a few days in advance. My Grandmother was one that could do that. I always thought she was a little crazy for saying that since her hip hurt, that meant a change was coming, but 9 times out of 10 she was right.

The cold weather also zapped me last night. When I walked outside, I was wheezing like I'd just smoked a pack of reds. I don't believe I've ever even smoked a whole cigarette in my life. Would have thought so last night.

So complain complain complain, I'm getting older..blah blah blah. I did play pretty well yesterday though. So it was fun. I was never a stud in basketball, and still don't claim to be. I'd like to continue a weekly, or bi-weekly game. Not only would it keep me busy, but it'd also be a form of exercise. The good kind, where you don't really think of it as being healthy....

Saturday, December 17, 2005

More Ramblings

Well it's a Saturday night here in Ingram and I'm trying to decide what I'm going to do tonight. It seems like this is the theme of most of my free nights, but the search is so much more limited here than it was in the LBK. I actually miss it up there! Maybe I should go back and get another degree, general uh...something.

I've been digging through stuff a bit here at the house. I've got so many clothes that have been in my closet for years and years. I probably wear about a quarter of the stuff that is here. So my Dad got the idea that we throw everything we don't wear in a bag, and wash it, then take it to the Salvation Army. While I was going through some of it, I came across some stuff that I've never even worn. I do that sometimes, buy something thinking how great it is, then never put it on. I'm a pullover two button shirt kind of guy. Nothing is really more comfortable. This makes me wonder though, how much random crap can I pull out of my room? Is anyone going to want it at the S.A.?

A few of us went to a big Christmas party last night at the YO Ranch. It was a blast. I don't know if anyone has ever heard the term "snacker's paradise". That totally explains last night though. They had a little bit of everything, and wow, I probably ate about 10 plates worth of food. Well not that much, I wasn't miserable, just about perfect. Another perk was the open bar. Last year at this party, Justin and I were the bartenders. I don't know exactly how it happened, but we ended up behind the bar, and the party kind of picked up after that. Not saying we're the life of the party, but we definitely kicked it up a notch. They never shut the bar down last year either, so we all stayed up until the wee hours of the morning. I had to leave at like 4:30 to drive home, shower and then be on a bus to Mexico at 9 in the morning. It was miserable. Last night, they closed the bar at 2, but we still ended up staying awake until around 5. Then we dropped people off at their respective places, and J and I cruised home. I didn't take full advantage of the open bar, so I was more than drivable. The YO is a fun place, I enjoy being out there. We're going to their New Year's Party in a couple of weeks. Charlie Robison is playing. I can't remember the last time I've seen him. The theme is party like it's prohibition. Should be tons of fun. Lucky for a few of us, we have access to either an RV or another trailer that's there on site, so we get to walk down the hill after the festivities. Last year was a decadent time. I'm sure this year won't disappoint.

In other good news, no sarcasm whatsoever here. I read that Dog the Bounty Hunter is going to be back for another season. I don't know if anyone else watches it or not, but it's a very entertaining show. It comes on the A&E channel, and this guy who is an ex-con, is a bounty hunter and goes out and catches guys in Hawaii. It's reality television at its best. The 3rd season will pay him 2.6 million or some huge figure like that. Shoot, I'm bigger than this guy, maybe I could do it too. Well I don't have that switch to automatic badass mode like some of my friends, so maybe I couldn't. That show is usually followed by another show called Inked. It's another reality show that comes from the palms casino's own tattoo shop. I've never been a big tattoo guy, but it's also pretty entertaining. Some of these tattoos people are getting are amazing. It also goes into why a lot of people get a certain tattoo. It's nice to the explanation, don't think I'd do it though.

Anyway, no deep thoughts on this one, just kind of a blah. Talk to everyone soon!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


It's now official, I finally graduated from college. The last grade posted some time tonight, and it was even better than expected, a big fat A! I won't comment on the GPA from all my years in college, but I will say that minus some Accounting and other business classes, I'd have well over a 3.5.

Baby got Back just came on my ipod, it's somewhat fitting. Seeing as how it was a new song when I first got into college! Naa, joking, I must have been in like 5th grade when it came out...

Now I can't wait 'till I get that diploma that says General Studies. How exciting. What's a fool supposed to do with that? I'll update y'all as it happens.

Suspenseful 'eh?

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Neat link

I ran across this today. I thought it was a neat link.

NO I WASN'T LOOKING UP BABY NAMES! I was looking at other people's blogs and this was on one of them. I like to read people that I don't know blogs. I like the fact that other people sit around and write down there thoughts on here. It's fun to read. If you don't think so, then why do you read mine ;)

Gordon was popular years ago. Sproul isn't anywhere on there, neither is Sancho. Imagine that!!

Country Roads, Take Me Home

Well, it's finally happened, I'm back in Ingram. Bummer. It seems a month ago I couldn't wait to get out of Lubbock, but right now I'm missing my friends and the LBK life. I guess some sort of let-down was inevitable. Going from a place where there's usually always something going on, back to a place where the only thing going on is what you create takes a little getting used to.

A few months ago I guess I was missing the life that I had here. The friends that were my age, the ones I grew up with. Those are the folks that I've spent my life and most of my time with. Then this past month the world has kind of flipped around for me. I always enjoyed my LBK friends, but this past month was absolutely unbelievable.

I don't know exactly what made it that way, it may have been the lack of classes, or it may have been the fact that I came to the realization that I wasn't going to be there for much longer. Regardless of what exactly it was, this past month was the best time I had in all of my college. As much as I joke about being too old, I kind of am, I didn't feel it at all. I felt like part of the crew, equal in all aspects, always ready for something to happen. I finally dropped my guard and the fun just piled up. The house life was great too. It's the first semester that I remember never even once getting a little upset with a roommate. That's not a knock on my previous semesters, friends, or roommates at all either. My two previous college roommates are the best friends I've got in the world. I just went with the flow of things, and a great experience materialized.

I had planned on heading back this direction either Friday after my final, or early Saturday morning. When all that got pushed back to Sunday morning, that turned into afternoon, and I didn't end up leaving the LBK 'till around four. Part of that has to do with lack of sleep, and the other part has to do with just wanting to wait around until the next event popped up. I eventually pushed myself out the door though. I got to see a lot of friends this past weekend, and it'll leave me with a vivid, and great memory of Lubbock and my times at Tech.

When I walked into the house tonight, I was greeted by a flying little white dog. Jack Russell terriers, you have to love them. She met me as I climbed the two stairs into the kitchen. Another half a foot lower, and it might have been a disaster. She ended up bouncing off of my stomach, and then one more jump before I could catch her. She hasn't left my side since I got here, but I'm about to boot her out of my bedroom because she's a pain to sleep with.

When I made the turn around the refrigerator, my Dad was there, and that was the first post-graduation glance he had of me. My Dad and I don't really do the whole emotional, huggy, kissy thing, so there was none of that. Instead, it was more of a high five. That followed by the obligatory "how was the drive", and "you made it here too fast" questions. Then he asked if all of my grades had been posted yet, and I said no.

See there's some history there. Fall of '04, I came home thinking that I was finished. As it turns out, a D in an economics class doesn't spell diploma. So after the 8 month sabbatical from school, I had to go back to the LBK to get that piece of paper.

My answer was that, no, not all of my grades are posted, but there isn't a snowball's chance in hell that I didn't pass my other class. Then there was another a little happy sigh from him, I guess part relief and completeness, and some feeling of accomplishment on my part. After that the talk turned to different things, but nothing too serious. We talk a lot, never really serious stuff though. Every now and then, we have a serious talk. It usually has to do with something going on with a friend, or something about my Mom. I don't always say a lot. The one thing that I do need to say to my Dad though, is thanks. Thanks for everything. Thanks for paying for most of my schooling. Thanks for taking it easy on me when I had a sub-par performance. Thanks for so many things. Like I said though, my Dad and I don't really do the emotional thing, so I didn't. It's one of those unspoken things. He knows how much I appreciate him, and someday, when the timing is right, I'll tell him.

You know, as I sit here thinking about it, I guess the thing I should thank him for the most is patience. I don't know many other people who would have continued being the same way with me as he was. I have never really jumped off the deep end and done crazy things, but I have not lived up to my capabilities in many aspects of life. I know at times he's felt some disappointment that I was at this age, and not where I should be. By this time in his life, he already had is Juris Doctorate, and was practicing law. I guess I fell a little far from the tree than a lot do, but I like to think that I have other great qualities. (yeah, so maybe I am a little cocky).

So it's now back to Ingram/Kerrville. No I'm not going to disappear into Mexico, as tempting as it seems. I'm not going to go to Atlanta, although my Sister did call today and tell me that I should move out there and find a job. I would like to go for a while though. I'm not going to stick around here either though.

I'm sitting here, looking at my Lubbock life, packed up in trunks, and bags. It's a sad scene to think about. I'm somewhat hesitant to start unpacking it, because that makes it feel permanent. I don't want that.

I've gotten a little carried away tonight with this one, so I'll cut it off until another day. I hope everyone has a great Christmas, Holiday, whatever you want to call it, and I hope to see y'all soon.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Quarters pt 2

Well chalk one up for the whole accomplishment thing. Even though it's a tad (by that I mean years) behind schedule, I've finally finished this horrible thing called college. Finished as in, done, graduwamated, going home, for good, adios to the LBK, hello K-town.

Let's hope the hello K-town thing doesn't last too long. I haven't even been home yet, but I'm ready to get the heck out. I don't know how intense the job search will be, but I'm gonna' have to start looking soon. Anyone know of a job that pays 7 figures, and requires the minimal amount of work? I guess it's called the lottery.

I definitely still have the year long Mexico trip on my mind. I think it gets longer every time I bring it up, but wouldn't it be amazing. I mean think about this, me, Mexico, and Corona, XX, or Sol. Well there's more to it than that. Let's see, me, fishing, Latin women, and uhhhh Latin women. Wow, match made in heaven.

I'm putting of packing my room because:
1) I'm dead tired, limited sleep sucks.
B) Thinking about staying for another day.
III) don't know where to start.

I guess the next post will be from the slow internet of Ingram. Can't friggin' wait!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Coffee Shop

I'm sitting in a coffee shop (something I never thought I'd do), trying to study (something I rarely do), and stressing out about passing this stupid economics class that I'm taking for the second time (something I didn't think I'd have to stress about). The last couple of days have seen me make two visits to this place of java, still haven't had any coffee, and still don't feel in the least bit confident about my test at 7:30 in the morning.

I've told my roommates that if I don't pass this class, that I'm going to disappear into Mexico for about a year. While I was mostly joking, there is some seriousness in my statement. Mainly, I don't know what the hell I'm going to do if this class doesn't work out for me. I'm more than likely stressing over nothing, but you know me, worst-case scenario, all the time.

To make matters a little worse, yesterday was the coldest day of the year, and possibly the entire time I've been in Lubbock, and guess whose heater decides to hit the skids. That's right, the heater at our house. So we had to find some temporary shelter, thank goodness for the wonderful girls on 28th street. I spent almost a month in Europe a couple of Decembers ago, and it never got this cold there. Or maybe I was a little better prepared for it. All I have now, is my Walls brush jacket (yes a Carhartt knock off), and a fleece. Neither by themselves do the job, so imagine me, looking like a fat imp wearing both my fleece and my brush jacket. Ladies beware.

While I'm stressed about things, I'm also cautiously optimistic. Finishing up is something that I should have done years ago, and the thought that I'm less than 12 hours from actually doing it makes me all warm inside (still not warm enough to go back outside). I'm semi considering, having my first cup of coffee in years, and making this an all nighter. Probably not the best idea though, since I feel that my brain is already pretty much satiated. (I think I've used that word twice in the last few blogs, I like it).

The weird feeling that I have here is that nothing is really sticking in my head right now. I read, and do problems, but all I have is ink on the paper, and nothing in my head. We'll see in the mornings I guess.

I'm not much on praying, so I'm not going to ask for that, but just think of me. If you do that, and it works, then think of me again, and maybe I'll get the rest of my life figured out!

Adios, if anyone else is still working on finals, good luck. If you aren't good friggin' luck with things anyway.

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, whichever you prefer....

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

What I Meant to Say

I've decided that if I ever end up being a total recluse, and the only communication I ever have with the outside world is by computer and internet, that's fine with me.

Not really, that's sarcasm, but the last few days I've had several cases of the "blah". I don't really know how else to explain it. Its when you open your mouth and the words don't come out too easily, or as you expected. I'm the kind of person who likes to think about what I say, and not do too much of the instantaneous stuff. Even lately though, when I've thought about things, they haven't necessarily come out as planned.

Last Saturday we were having a barbecue at our house, that ended up being a get together that lasted 'till early in the morning. Needing to get up early Sunday morning, I didn't drink anything, I just kind of sit around and watched people imbibe themselves. At around 11, the drinks ran out, and the party wasn't over, so I volunteered to go out to the strip and get another 30. I wasn't really doing anything else, so why not? Well I get up to the drive through line (what convenience) and open my mouth to ask for a 30 of 'Stones. What came out was quite different though, I can't begin to explain it. Let's just say that the guy said 'huh' and I had to try again. I'm sure he thought I was hammered, when I hadn't had a drop. Oh well. I'm not really embarrassed by that, but sheesh, I've been talking since I was like 2 or something, I figured I'd have it down by now.

Then today, I went to talk to a teacher. The whole way there, I practiced what I was going to say, and how I would respond to anything he might ask. All truths, not even making anything up. So I don't know why I needed to plan it out so much. Well I get there and it's a total different case. Nothing I planned on saying came out, and it was more of a get in, get out thing. Quick and painless. I didn't talk about anything I needed to say, it was more like one question, okay see you later.

I guess I just get nervous. That's one of the reasons I always script things out in my head. Maybe I should start writing scripts for movies with the stuff that flows through my mind. Then again, how entertaining would my life be? Well, regardless, of all the great things I plan on saying, I would guess about 20% of it actually comes out.

I could come up with about 1000 more instances that involve the opposite sex, but I won't embarrass myself on here!

You could call it some type of social anxiety, which it well might be, but I prefer to refer to it as "blah". I don't know if anyone else has the problem, but it's an everyday thing for me. Luckily no one knows what's going on in my head (even sometimes myself), so they don't know the things that I meant to say.

If I could carry around the keyboard with me wherever I go, I think I could do much better. The backspace and delete buttons are special gifts. If I could just get one for my mouth.

Have a good one...

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Oh Drama

Drama, wow, don't you just love it? I'm not going to lie about it, I dabble in drama every now and then. I think a lot of times its interesting, and more often than not, flippin' hilarious! Now this past week has been unbelievably drama filled. A large part of it was being back in Ingram for as long as I was. When you have a big get together like we did the day after Thanksgiving, usually its all about the reunion, and "how have you beens". For the most part it was, but for about a 2 hour period, the drama was so thick, that you had to fight your way through it. I guess being up in Lubbock for as long as I have, my tolerance, if you will, has dropped severely. I forgot that Ingram and drama really go hand in hand. I told one of my friends up here the other day that if you look up drama in the dictionary, there's probably a map, with a star on it about where Ingram is.

I guess every small town has their own drama, and drama queens. I have to say we had one of the bigger queens in the contiguous 48 out at the ranch that day. It was so ridiculous, that J and I couldn't help but laugh...Laugh out loud...Laugh outloud pretty much in their faces. I think that just pisses people off worse.

It really bothers me that some people are so friggin' wrapped up in themselves that they take the most trivial things, and blow them way out of proportion. Like I said earlier, I'm not completely innocent here, but some of the drama I've been exposed to in the last week is nothing but absurd. I'm not going to get into it much deeper than I already have. By writing this, I'm doing my own little drama thing.

Just know, whoever reads this, that drama free is most definitely the way to go...

Yeah it's 3:15 in the morning, this post may have been a little influenced by some of the drama that went on tonight, or perhaps influenced by something else...

By the way, for those who know me well, I woke up this morning and my boots and pants were still attached on the floor. You know what that means, great night!!!