Saturday, October 29, 2005

3 Ninjas

Some say the best time to brainstorm is while you are eating. Well this is the case for the shenanigans that took place on the night of the 28th of October. While enjoying a buffet dinner from Mr. Gatti's pizza, an idea was hatched that almost threw the world out of its constant rotation. This was a ground shaking, earth quaking idea, which will be felt by the people of the world for the rest of time

Being that it was so close to Halloween, the ninjas of 52nd street felt like we should get our ninja gear on, and go complete a long overdue mission. Because of the proximity to Halloween, if seen (ninjas are usually not seen) people would just think of it as some people in costume. The perfect plan! When returning to the ninja lair, we worked out our POA (plan of action). We are going to make a strike on the pirate loving girls of 28th street.

And so the Drama begins...

We left the ninja lair and headed on our way to the store to get the materials we needed. Seen here is Tum-Tum.
The excitement was too much to conceal. Colt here believes that this might be the best plan ever.
Ninja Rocky is more serious than the other. He's been around longer and knows the danger that awaits the ninjas in their mission.
The first stop was the super K-Mart. The materials needed, window chalk, and ninja masks. No dice, neither were to be found at the large K.
Next stop, Target. Surely the high class Wal-Mart would have some window chalk for us. Nope, no way. This mission is looking to be more difficult than we expected. Ninjas don't give up though.
What proved to be our last stop, we made it to the ghetto Wal-Mart in search for the window chalk and bandannas. We split up on the inside, and met back up after we found the materials needed. The camera wasn't brought inside, what a shame, the number of sweet mullets walking through Wal-Mart would have added to the story so well.
After leaving Wal-Mart, the ninjas headed back to their secret lair and warmed up. Preparation is key when looking to carry out such a difficult mission. Seen here, two ninjas work on their rolls in the front yard.
Parking in the street in a non conspicuous car, the ninjas staked out the target house. The ninjas sometimes outsmart themselves and wound up being on the wrong street. I think they really knew what they were doing though.
One of the ninjas is seen here during the stake out. I can't say which one, because when in disguise, a ninja loses their identity.
Another ninja seen here working on his hand strength by opening and closing a bottle.
Just look at the eyes of this ninja. Is there any question about the intensity that lies in the heart of these stealth like warriors?
The ninjas switched vehicles to make sure that their cover was not compromised. Seen here is a rare thing, the ninja actually is caught without his full disguise. I believe the smile on his face is there because he is full of confidence about the upcoming mission.
These two ninjas look like they are ready to roll, and get this mission over with. They are on their way to the site of the strike. When they parked they quietly exited the vehicle and made their way down the street towards the target house.
Stealth mode is one of the most important aspects of ninja life. Can you find the ninja hiding in this picture?
With the lights out, the ninjas get ready to make their strike...Toilet paper in one hand, and in the other throwing stars.
These ninjas weren't messing around. Seen above here is the damage that they did to the table of the pirate loving girls of 28th street. The triangle B is the calling card of this particular group of ninjas. The table also says ADPI QTPI. This is an obvious attack on one of the pirate lovers. On the other side, GO SPURS GO, a strike at the other pirate lover.
The ninjas working on their stealth here as a car passes by. Notice how ready they look to attack.
Another picture of the ninjas in action. You can't see this ninja's hands, he's hard at work hanging toilet paper while he's posing for the picture. Ninjas are great multi-taskers.
After the mission had been accomplished, the ninjas decided to pose in front of their work. It's not cocky, it's just being damn good.
These 2 ninjas were surprised by a couple of pirates. This picture shows them in their fighting stances, ready to kick some pirate tail. The intimidation got the pirates and they left with their tails between their legs.
Another look at the mayhem. The last part of the mission was to turn the lights back on. Can you see the ninja in this picture?

This may become the ninja calling card. Usually they like to remain anonymous, however this time they decided to leave a little notice to those pirate lovers. Don't F with us. Look at these fighting stances folks, these guys don't mess around. Right after this picture was taken, the ninjas flew away...


What's next for these stealth like Warriors?

Friday, October 28, 2005

Ramble on

I was checking out my bank account online today and noticed a 65 dollar charge from Amazon on there. Well it was like 3 months ago that I ordered this book for a class, and I never got it. I forgot about it. They didn't charge me, so no big deal. Well I guess they finally got it in stock, so now I have a book headed my way and a 65 dollar charge on my account.

It's great I'm getting the book, except I don't need it anymore. Bummer huh? I guess I'll have to send it back. I hate doing that.

So I've got another dilemma here too. Instead of bringing a bed to Lubbock with me, I decided that I'd worry about it when I got up here. I was going to get a twin sized bed from my old roommate, but I didn't feel like breaking it down, hauling it across town, then setting it back up. So I got an air mattress instead. Now this thing was nice (yeah, was, as in past tense). It stood about 20 inches off the ground, huge, and was queen size. Super comfortable too. Well after about a month, I noticed it started getting kind of mishapen in some spots. It didn't bother me all that much, I kept using it. Well not to draw this out too much, it eventually got a hole somewhere in it, and one weekend while I was away from the LBK it went completely flat. I slept on the couch that night, and the next morning went to Wal-Mart and bought another one. The exact same air mattress.

So here's my thoughts. I'm kinda upset about spending that much on a bed and it only lasting a month and a half. I somehow came up with the idea that I can just put the old one in the new box, and with my receipt take it back to Wal-Mart and either get my money back, or get a new air mattress. Then my conscious comes into play. I'd feel bad if I did that. It's not really an honest thing to do. So I am not going to do it. Is that right? Or should I stick it to Wal-Mart. I think there are negatives and positives on both sides...

On a completely different note, I am going to win the lottery tonight. I only play when it's over 100 million or so. I've got a little deal with 2 of my friends. We all buy tickets and if one of us wins we have to buy things for the other two. I don't remember exactly what it was that we'd have to buy. I am pretty sure it's a car, and then a 2 month trip to Europe. Something like that. Wouldn't that be wonderful. One of my friends is the luckiest guy I know, so he'll probably be the one who wins. He always knows which slot machine to sit at. It's a real talent. I don't know what I'd do with that much money. I'm more than willing to figure that out though.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Go Astros

I can't complain. As much as I want to say that I'm not happy right now, I can't say it. Am I disappointed? Yes, I wish that the Astros would have showed up in the World Series. I wish that they would have won at least one game. I wish that the bats would have been able to support the pitching. I wish a lot of stuff. There's a saying that is relevant to me wishing all this stuff. I think it goes something like you can wish in one hand and crap in the other and see which one fills up first.

I can't complain though. There are 22 teams that would have loved to make it to the playoffs. There are 26 teams that would have liked to make it to the League Championship Series. There are also 28 other teams that would give anything to make it to the World Series.

I'm glad to see that Biggio, Bagwell, and Ausmus made it to a World Series. I would love to see them with a ring on their finger. However, it's a great accomplishment that the 'Stros won the National League. Everyone will know that a large reason that the 2005 National League Championship banner is hanging on the wall in Houston is Bagwell and Biggio. I'm not just talking about their contributions this year, I'm talking about their entire careers in Houston.

It was 4 close games, and any of them could have gone the other way. People will look back on this World Series and see a 4-0 sweep of Houston by the White Sox. I think if they'll look closer though, it was a much better series than it looks at first glance. I'm not just saying that because I'm a homer, I'm saying that because I truly feel that way. If the Astros could have had a clutch hit here and there, I wouldn't be writing this right now. I'd be looking forward to game 5, or perhaps be celebrating an Astros victory.

So yeah, I'm disappointed. I'm a little frustrated that the 'Stros couldn't get that hit with runners in scoring position to put them over the top. Disappointment and frustration eventually fade away though. When I look back at this season for the years to come, I won't think of it as a failure, I'll think of it as the best season in Astros history, and I as a fan feel lucky to have been a part of it. I don't know where I'll be in the future, but I'll hold on to this piece of the past for the rest of my life, or at least 'till the 'Stros win one! Let's hope it doesn't take them another 44 years to get back to this point!

I'll patiently wait for the start of spring training. Hopefully the time between then and now will see the Astros sign a starter that can replace Clemens (if he leaves). I'd like to see Brian Giles playing one of the outfield positions in Houston next year too.

Until then, GO SPURS.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Yeah, that pretty much sums things up. This weekend, which was supposed to be a relaxed trip home, turned out to be something more. I can't say that I've ever had an anxiety attack, I still don't think I have now, but it must have been something close. I won't go into too much detail, but it was the most trouble I've ever had sleeping. I think it was just too much time laying there, with way too much thinking.

The only common theme I can pick out of it is the future. It's scary. I don't know what to think, and it's sneaking up on me so soon. It's not something new, I think of it all the time. It just seems that this time it upset me the most. I know I don't want to go back to Kerrville after I'm finished with school. I don't know what else there'll be for me though. I had put a lot of thought into actually going to Atlanta, but I don't want that right now. I don't want to move out of state, not yet at least. Uncertainty is basically the main thing that is haunting me.

Another thing that bothered me is taking the trip south. We went to south Texas hunting on Friday and took pretty much the same trip that I've taken a million times to go to Mexico. I didn't think it would bother me, but it really did. It made me miss the past so much. It's the feeling of having so much love for one person, and not knowing exactly where that person stands now. Which is crazy because we always had so much communication, but now I don't know if I'm completely capable of doing the communication thing. I'm going to force myself to do it though. It did help that she sent me mail today. It helped a lot.

I've never really had irrational thoughts in my head. It seems like its happening more and more lately. I don't know if I'm going nuts or what the deal is. Well I know I'm not going nuts, but wow, things happening can really screw a person's logic up. I'll figure them out though.

I know my problems, I need to learn to take care of them. I've worked out solutions in my mind. I want to put the girl first, but I think I need to put myself first. I hope the girl will come with the certainty. If not, I don't guess it was meant to be.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

World Series Bound

Well, things are a little better now than they were when last we met. I no longer have to shoulder the blame for the game 5 blast by Pujols. I can feel like all the other happy Astro fans and celebrate the team's first trip to the big series! I can also watch ESPN again without having to see Pujols' moon shot. All I have to say about game 6 is wow, Oswalt is quite possibly the best pitcher on our team. I've thought that before, but it's hard to ignore the numbers that the Rocket and Pettitte have. No question about who I want on the mound from now on though. I like that we have the wizard (The Wizard of OSwalt, funny huh) on the mound for game three, and really like that if needs be, he'll be there for game 7. I really hope it doesn't go 7 games though. Four or five would be great with me, because that means that the Astros would win it at home. I think Houston deserves that.

I could definitely feel the difference between a road game, and a home game while I was sitting there watching. It really shouldn't matter that much to the television spectator, the Houstonians really had me going in game 5. One of the Fox announcers said that Minute Maid Field was BY FAR the loudest stadium in MLB. I don't know if he meant that or not. I mean, it could be the loudest ever, or the current loudest. In the case of the current loudness, well duh, its the only field with people in it. So I'm going to assume he means loudest he's EVER heard. How's that for a mid-market team? Can we call the Astros that anymore? They aren't spending near as much as the Yankees, actually almost a third (that makes Astro fans feel good). Goes to show that money can't buy chemistry.

The question of momentum was brought up several times during Fox's broadcast of the NLCS. I was at one time a huge believer of momentum, now though, I'm not so sure its even a factor in Major League Baseball. If there are believers out there, then game 6 should make that belief an after thought.

I hadn't really planned on this becoming a sports themed blog. It seems to have become exactly that here lately though. So after the world series, I'll tone down on the sports.

One thing that I have to truthfully say though, is that I wish we would have played anyone but the Cardinals. They are such a class organization, with great players. I think that the Astros and the Cardinals really mirror each other in a lot of aspects. Why couldn't it have been the Mets, or the Braves (oh yeah, we beat them too). I would have no doubtedly cheered for the Cards had they beaten the Astros. On the other side of things though, it's great to have two class organizations getting this far.

This has got to be a bittersweet feeling for Jeff Bagwell. Finally making it to the World Series, but not feeling like he had a big part in it. Well I say phooey on that! I think the leadership he brings to the team, and the motivation factor that he brings are an excellent input for the Astros. I hope he's able to enjoy the Series, and hopefully contribute somehow. I don't know if I would put him in at the DH when they are playing in Chicago or not, I think Lamb has really been playing well and might be a good fit. However, I don't think there's a more emotional choice than Baggy.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I'll take the blame

It's all my fault. No doubt about it. I already had visions of game one on Saturday night coming from Chicago. The first ever World Series Game for my Astros. In the past I've known not to get too far ahead of myself when it comes to sports things. Last year when UT came into Jones SBC stadium, I thought there was a good chance we'd hang 70 points on them, like we did to Nebraska the week before. I wouldn't necessarily call it cocky, but confident, no, over-confident. UT ended up spanking us in that game. Last night Pujols ended up sending everyone home shocked. I bet a Cardinal fan would have loved to see the blank look on all the Astro fan's faces as they walked out of the juice box last night. I know I had one, and I wasn't even there. After the 'Stros futile attempt at a rally in the bottom of the 9th, I put my dishes in the sink, brushed my teeth, and laid down in bed. I haven't watched Sportscenter yet, or listened to ESPN radio. I'm inclined to stay in my bed, and only come out for the things I need, like food, water, and I guess class.

So let's get this straight. Astros with a 2 run lead going into the 9th inning, and Brad (light's out) Lidge on the mound for the 'stros. Fox likes to point out that the Astros are something like 13 bajillion and one in game when they are leading after 8 innings. Thanks. Who's at fault though? I guess I can't feasibly blame Fox. The Astros did everything they were supposed to. Eckstein's hit wasn't playable. Lidge did walk Edmonds to put two runners on, but can you imagine what was going through his head. Pujols is guilty though isn't he? Only of being the best baseball player alive. This has got me believing that it's my fault, over-confidence and all.

At least I know now, always have confidence, but not too much. My Dad called last night during the 8th inning to tell me that he's been listening to the Astros since 1963, he was 11. Well I figure I've been listening and watching them all my life. I don't remember it all, but I do remember from about the time I was 4 to now. Trips to the Astrodome, watching games on television, and all that jazz. The one thing I should have learned is, it ain't over 'till it's over. Thank goodness there are still 2 more games left in the series.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

That Guy

Now I usually won't go too much into my weekend exploits up here, but just a quick thought. You ever wake up the morning after a long night and wonder what the hell happened last night? Well I had one of those nights last night. It happens now and then that someone will be known as "that guy". Well that was more than likely me last night....

Now to things more important. The games were great today. My biggest problem was that the end of the Astros game, and the Notre Dame, USC game were at right about the same time. It sure would have been nice to have picture in picture, or 2 tvs today!

The Astros won, and lead the series 2 games to 1. I'm not to the point of getting cocky about it yet, but I like the way that things are rolling. The Cards are an amazing team though, and will no doubt make this a memorable series. I don't like thinking that perhaps it was Roger Clemens last game ever. Hopefully it won't be.

Texas Tech over came a horrible start, and ended up putting 59 points on the board. Cody Hodges threw for around 12 million yards, and Taurean Henderson had 5, yes 5, touchdowns. That leaves Tech at 6-0 going in to Austin, against Texas, who is also 6-0. Exciting, exhilarating, probably a better game on paper than it will be on the field though. I'll be excited if College Gameday goes to Austin, it's good press for Tech!

So I'm waiting on College Gameday Final to come on it's 12:45 pm and I wanted to be in bed like 3 hours ago. They better talk about Tech a lot on there...

The semester is flying by, and I'm excited about getting out of here. I like it a lot though, my roommates are awesome and we all hang out a lot. I still can't fight off the old man feeling though. It's weird to be 24, and still in college. I wish I had taken care of things a long time ago, but things happen for a reason, and I'll be ready for the next phase of life, whenever it comes around.

I've gotten back into the study abroad kick again. Not like through Tech or anything, but go to like a Spanish immersion program somewhere in Mexico or Costa Rica. I've found a few really neat schools, but I'll have to figure out how to pay for it first. It would work perfect for me in January and February. If I go to Mexico, I either want to study in Mazatlan, or La Paz. If I do end up going, I might as well enjoy the beach (and probably some Cerveza Sol too). More than likely won't happen, but it would be a super cool experience.

Excellent, College Game Day is about to come on...

Back to the sports thing. Someone asked me the other day what I would do if the Astros won the World Series. Well I really don't know, but I might just cry. They'll have to get there first though. If they do, I'd give anything for a couple tickets for my Dad and me. If I end up in Houston for work, I am most definitely going to get season tickets...

Sunday, October 09, 2005

18 Innings and nearly 6 hours of fun

Eighteen innings. I was upset because I missed the first few innings for a shower and lunch. I guess I'll be okay, only getting to watch 15 innings instead of all 18. I was worried there for a while because the 'Stros didn't have anyone left on their bench other than Oswalt and Pettitte. Not even a just in case player. It was all or nothing, if one of the fielders had been hurt, Roy Oswalt would have been playing the field.

I've heard of leaving it all on the field, but I don't know if I've ever seen it on such a large scale as this game. It was wonderful to see Roger Clemens, in his early 40's, tossing much younger players on his shoulders and celebrating like the 'Stros just won their first World Series. Chris Burke was the unlikely hero of the day, and for now the entire Astro season. Think about it though, the only real big names left in the game for Houston were Biggio and Morgan Ensberg. So while Burke's heroics seem unlikely, who else could it have been?

I love to see the team celebrating. It's a huge accomplishment to make it this far. There is a sign behind homeplate in every game that says 8 teams, 1 championship. Well Wednesday, it'll be down to 4 teams, still one championship. The next series will be interesting to watch. The Cardinals have a far superior line up, and are the only team with a better starter's ERA than the 'Stros. We've got Pettitte, Clemens, and Oswalt though. I'll take those three over anyone in MLB. I'd say the Astros have their work cut out for them. So enjoy the celebration tonight team, get busy on Wednesday, and bring the NL pennant, and later the World Series championship back to Houston!!!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Go GO Astros

Astros are up 7-3 in the 8th. I won't call it over yet, but it's dang nice knowing that my teams have performed well today. Tech won, the Astros are well on their way, and (not so much my team anymore) Texas won.

I was asked tonight by Collin, my roommate, if I had the choice of picking one winner tonight, either the Astros or the Red Rabbits, who would I pick? Well I told him that because of the 5 game series, that is actually limited to 3 now, I would pick the Astros. My answer was met with a round of boo's. Think about it though. If Tech goes undefeated, they will get to the Fiesta Bowl. No way they get to the Rose bowl because there are surely better teams in the NCAA. For the Astros if they lose this game, they have 2 win in a row. So that's my answer. Go GO Astros!!!

Texas Tech = God's Team!

After watching the game tonight, I've decided that there is a pretty good chance that GOD is looking out for the boys from Lubbock. There is no doubt in this guy's mind that Tech should not have won the game tonight. No matter how un-Christianlike it may seem to make that statement, I feel that Tech had a little more than luck on their side.

The fact that after the Nebraska interception with less than a minute left was fumbled and Tech got the ball back first and ten, made me believe that something crazy was happening. If the stupid guy from Nebraska had fallen down instead of trying to be the hero and return an interception, then this blog would probably be mute, and I would be well on my way to bed. With some kind of intervention, (by somebody) I'm here, and I'm blogging about Texas Tech being 5 and 0 and on their way to a super showdown in Austin in 2 weeks!

I understand the fact that the University of Texas is more than likely the 2nd best team in the Union, I believe that we MAY be top 20. However, with 2 undefeated teams, there might be the chance that ESPN's college gameday will end up in Austin, and give Tech enough hype to not only show up, but make one hell of a game out of the showdown a few streets down, from 6th street.

Lou Holtz is on television now, and I've always had nothing but complete respect for the guy, but he wears me out with the invincible smile. No matter how bad he's talking about a team, the smile doesn't go away. I think I should work for ESPN, or at least TBS. I would be the best sportscaster on TBS, and after watching the UT vs. OU game I could work for ABC.

I realize I'm probably my own biggest fan, but I could do enough studying to be WAY better than the guys that they have on their play by play...

Okay back to us. We need some work, but I think we got not only a huge victory tonight for the record, but also a huge momentum victory that showed that we can hang on the road. We'll have a hell of a time in 2 weeks in Austin, but after today, we're ready for the challenge.

On BET tonight, there is the game between Tuskegee and Morehouse. If there is anything more exciting than the battle of the bands that goes on every weekend with the colleges of the Southeast, I've never seen it!!!

Props to Baylor on their first ever in on the road in the Big XII.

As much as I hate to admit it, I'm scared about our trip to Waco this year. With their coach with the cool last name, they are bound to be on the road to stardom!

After watching the highlights of the Tech game, I think we're God's ordained team for the Rose Bowl. I don't exactly agree with that statement, but that's what my roommate (Marc Taylor) says. Marc should not doubt start his own blog because he is a major inspiration behind the majority of what I have to say. I think that no matter how many times I see the highlights of the game, it gets my blood flowing, and it's as exciting as seeing it in person. Go Tech, enjoy the win, and beat the hell out of KSU, and UT, and whoever the hell else stands in our way....

Charlie Givens and I were on the same washers team tonight, and I felt like a pretty good guy for giving him his first win at the 2521 52nd street house in Lubbock.

Just in case there is any doubt in your mind, I thought I would tell you all that Collin Dieringer is the coolest guy I've ever met. I not only enjoy his company, but his sarcastic demeanor.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Sideline Picture

This is Cullen on the sidelines of the Georgia Dome. I zoomed in the best I could without making it too fuzzy. He's #46 there in the middle.

Game Pics

These are some pictures from the football game. One is obviously the Falcons flag, thought that was cool because we were so far away. It was a huge flag, but not as big as the huge Texas flag they pull out at UT before the games.

The other two are pictures of Cullen on the field. He'll be the ant in the middle of the field. We were pretty high up, so this was the best I could do. One is during half time, when he and the punter were the only two players on the field.

The other one is him pre-snap during the first quarter of the game, before things got too ugly...I might try to resize some other pictures and put them on here later.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Random Ramblings

So the Astros are on television. Game two, I predict a 4 game series with the Astros winning it. If you check my archives, I made my predictions in like April or May. I picked 7 out of the 8 teams in the playoffs. Dang I'm good.

The one thing I do not like about this year's playoffs, is that so many people are picking the Astros to go all the way. (as they fall behind 5-1). If I've learned anything in my 24 years, it's that the teams that I want to win, won't, if someone starts talking great about them.

The trip to Atlanta was awesome. I had a great time. I didn't get to spend as much time with my Sister as I would have liked. She worked for the first two days. We still had a good time together. We went and ate at Houston's on Sunday night after the Vikings game. We ate and talked, then afterwards had a few drinks and talked a little more. I really enjoyed that. Just being able to sit there and talk to someone the way that we talk is awesome. It's really something that I haven't been able to do since Ana and I broke up. I guess the majority of that is having someone there that knows you so well. Which is funny, because my sister and I have really missed out a lot in each other's lives, but when we get together its like we've never missed a day.

I got to the ATL airport about 11 on Thursday night, and my sister was there to pick me up. After that we went back to her apartment and hung out for a bit.

Friday we went to lunch at chipotles then she went to work at noon. Her husband and his brother were out car shopping, but came by to pick me up after a couple of hours. Which gave me adequate time to do my homework. (which is funny because when I'm in Lubbock, I rarely do it until the day before or the day of). That night we stayed at the apartment and had an early night.

Saturday she had work from 10-3, then came back. I slept until noon that day. It was nice, but I always feel like I miss half of my day. At around 4 Cullen called to let me know he was in town. We went and picked him up at about 5, and went out to eat. We went to this Mexican food place. The food was pretty good, nothing like any of the Taquerias in Kerrpatch, but good none the less. It was fancy too. After eating we drove around and saw the Georgia Tech campus. Which was nice. Then we dropped Cullen off and went to a bar for a drink. After that, went back to the apartment.

Sunday we took it easy in the morning, then went to the football game. Wow, the Georgia Dome was awesome. The Vikings didn't do too well. They lost 30-10. If its any consolation though, they out scored the Falcons 10-6 in the second half. A moral victory if you will. I'm probably the only one who sees it that way. The best part about it was seeing Cullen play in the NFL. I've never experienced anything like that. Its such a thrill to actually know someone on the field. He's amazing at what he does too. The punter never even had to move his hands to catch the snap. After the game we went and ate at Houston's. Which by the way if you've never been, is an amazing place to eat. That was my third time to go to one, and I've enjoyed it every time.

Monday, we went into the Buckhead part of Atlanta. My best explanation for that is that it's kinda like the Alamo Heights area of San Antonio. It's a super nice place. We went first to a mall and had some lunch. I had a really good sandwich and we split a roll of sushi. I like sushi. This mall had all kinds of higher end stores. Not an Old Navy or Gap anywhere to be seen. Afterwards we went to another mall so she could return some stuff. That was pretty much it. Afterwards was the airport, then back to Lubbock.

I'm not a big fan of flying, never have been. I'm just not comfortable being up there, and not comfortable in the seats with someone right next to me within elbows length. I don't' like to be cramped. Well the flights weren't really all that bad. We had a rough landing in Atlanta, but not too bad. Coming into Lubbock though, I don' t know what happened. When we were making our descent, I think the pilot may have dipped the nose down a little fast because it felt like we were on a roller coaster, and my stomach went through my throat. We landed fine though, and I was the only person that seemed to be disturbed by it.

I was so close to staying in Atlanta for another week because the Astros are playing there, and she got tickets. I figured that I have only one responsibility right now though, and that is to go to classes. So I felt obligated to come back. I'm kicking myself in the butt for it right now though, because we did absolutely nothing in my classes this week. I guess I had to do the responsible thing though...Booo responsibility...

I had an interesting talk today on the phone. A girl I went to elementary and middle school with called and we talked for over an hour. Her name is Megan, and we were really good friends back in the day. We kept up with each other after she moved away from Ingram. We talked like maybe once a year or something like that. When we got to college, she came and visited Justin and I in Lubbock for the Oklahoma State game one year (that's where she goes). When Justin and I were doing our counselor recruiting, we hung out with her in Stillwater. We had a blast, but I hadn't really talked to her much since then. She's an interesting girl, with a memory like a steel trap. She never forgets anything. The majority of our conversation today was about things that happened back in elementary and middle school.

Well that's all the random thoughts going on in my head right now. The Astros are starting to frustrate me a bit, so I'm going to shut this down and see what else is on television. No, I'm not a fairweather fan, I just know the routine. I change the channel for a while, then come back, and the Astros are making their way back!!!